'Local political drama', as the title suggests, focuses on the social interactions of the local politics. The text is based on the author's fieldwork carried out in the northeast of Poland from 2005 till the end of 2006. That was the time of quick political and social changes due to the challenges related with European integration. In this article the author presents problems connected with his research on the symbolic elites, which is delicate and poses numerous ethical questions. The method applied combines post-structural (V. Turner) and interactionist (E. Goffman) interpretations. The author discusses locally important political and social issues and analyses the political dramas, which are a type of social dramas in the described community. In the very local context of a small community even the most trivial issues are becoming the dramas lived by the community for weeks. The concept of representative democracy and pluralism of opinions is hard to reach in the local context, because the repetitive character of the conflicts as well as similar biographies of the members of local elites make a change very difficult. Nevertheless, some changes were observed during the period of fieldwork and this article aims to show the reasons and the consequences of these changes.