Passing on the faith is a pastoral priority in the majority of parishes and Christian communities in European countries. A crisis is strongly felt in this process of passing on the Christian heritage to the next generation. Biblical stories tell us about the beginning of a religious tradition which used the contemporary cultural background to communicate its message. Multiple changes in the postmodern society, on one hand, deepen the crisis of passing on the faith and, on the other hand, render a better communication possible. The better communication is visible on the side of the agents and listeners, and in the content as well. The process of passing on the faith has important features, in which laymen can make their own contribution to the depth and vitality of the message. Particular attention is paid to family, school, Christian communities and parish. Along with these places, one should also pay attention to means such as catechesis, liturgy, popular devotion and mass media, which seem to be the best ones suited for the objective. In spite of numerous and serious difficulties which we encounter in the process of handing over our faith, the Church will find the key to the new revival of its mission at the feet of its Lord and Master.