The author of the article takes as her starting point the premise that verse as a particular speech form is seen against the background of everyday use of language. A close examination of the suprasegmental prosodic structure of language and the study of the perceptual effect of individal acoustic features can contribute to the transparency of the debate on the implementation or modification of the verse system in a given language. The article picks out several features of the acoustic structure of languages, whose presence necessarily influences the possibilities of the rhythmic organization of a text. The author considers in particular the properties of the syllable and their consequences in the emergence and perception of linear acoustic units at the lexical level. Addressing the specific qualities of Czech, the author follows on from Miroslav Červenka´s essays on the nature of Czech syllabotonic verse. She then concludes by confirming that the indisputable predominance of syllabicity is demonstrated by the characteristic of the language. The main influences are the stable from of the syllable, the potentiality of the word´s accent, and the close link of the stress group to the word.