During the dialectal research of the 'after-house-names' in the Czech dialects, also other forms were recorded by means of which people of the same names in one and the same village differentiate themselves. Next to the sporadic nicknames in Nom. Sg. (e.g. Amerikan), mostly more-word forms were used, namely official surnames (eventually nick-surnames) with further specification in the form of a concurrent, eventually non-concurrent attribute. Before or after the surnames mostly stay: Christian names (Lojza Petera, Honza Petera), nicknames after profession or hobby (Holub-Koncel, Holub-Zennik, attributes reflecting the place they come from (Mazac vot kaplicki, Mazac vot kovarni, Jonas horni, Jonas dolni) and attributes expressing mental or physical qualities of the house owners (Divokej Hanus, Tvarohovej Hanus).