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(Polish title: Sprawy majatkowe póznosredniowiecznej kujawskiej elity szlacheckiej w zródlach dokumentowych i aktowych. Konwencja i rzeczywistosc). The property of nobility, which includes different forms of pledges and real estates, was an object of various transactions, i.e. sales, exchanges, dowries, divisions. All the transactions were confirmed by official documents and acts. But frequently the...
In Polish scientific literature the question of terminology of kinship, consanguinity, affinity and other family relationships in medieval sources was raised twice. The in-depth analysis of the issue was presented in the monograph of a linguist Mieczyslaw Szymczak (1966) and the article of a medievalist Maria Koczerska (1982). Both authors emphasized the temporal variability of terminology and its...
The author concentrates on various topics concerning the problem of faithfulness in translation of historical sources and the errors resulting from the over- and misinterpretations of the text. He states that the translation is always an interpretation. Sometimes a small change in the translation, that is the interpretation of the text of the source, may cause a serious error. The dangers and pitfalls...
The author works on the assumption, that one of the indicators of a higher social status might be both: a type of a seal image, and a place taken by one's signature on a list of document's witnesses. One's aspirations to obtain and to prove his higher social status may be observed i.e. through a phenomenon of a usage of equestrian seals, which were characteristic of dukes in the fourteenth century...
The author states that once upon a time Russian structures of power were similar to those in Western Europe and - consequently - he focuses on their terminology in Russian sources since the fourteenth century. He concentrates on political and legal system as well as political and social changes in Rus and widely presents terms and concepts, which were used in the historical sources to describe these...
The state of research on the intitulation of the Masovian Dukes (from the thirteenth century till 1526) is not satisfactory, because there are still few monographs concerning that issue. However, this part of the introductory protocol plays the important role in the analysis of the authenticity of documents, its form and diktat. It is also significant in the research on the political history of Masovia...
One of the most important tasks of the State Agriculture Bank was to offer the so-called long-term amortized credits 1) to buy land originated from the breaking-up of estates conducted by both: private owners and social organizations, 2) to buy landed properties to break them up, and last but not least 3) to credit land reclamation. The long term credit was affirmed in 1924 when new currency: Polish...
The problem of the concept of 'event' in Braudel's oeuvre is more complex than it seems to be. The author tries to analyse this question on three different levels. In the first part of the article he shows that in the schema of 'traditional history', reconstructed by Braudel, historical event loses all its characteristic features. It becomes uniform, abstract, and functions there as a negative element...
Rome, as an open city, was capable to integrate various elements within one political organism. Hence the relations between Roman citizen and Roman territory were different than the Greek ones. The citizens were forming their civitas not as an urban form, but as a kind of political idea. The ability to integrate different elements as well as the homogeneity of both: religious and public values, were...
The author brings up an interesting issue which in the recent years has aroused intense interest of historians. Majorov tries to prove that military expedition of Prince Roman the Great in 1205 (that ended up with his death in the battle of Zawichost) was only an episode it the fight between Staufs and Welfs and was directed against Saxony. Majorov states that more important source than Jan Dlugosz...
Despite the fact that the castellan of Cracow Stanislaw Warszycki held strong views, served as senator, lived in affluence, had considerable standing, and last but not least could influence state's policy, he usually did not take an active part in public life. The most active and busy period of castellan's political career coincided with Michal Korybut's governs. Beginning from the election he took...
In the Enlightenment one of the most important tasks of monarchies (due to the modernization processes) was to control and to improve citizens' physical condition. The process of medicalization (M. Foucault) was one of instruments that rulers used to exercise their power and domination. It was inspired by discussions led by scholars and physicians. Yet, it was highly complicated to implement those...
The article is a reprint of an introduction to the book 'Les Machines a guerir. Aux origins de l'hopital modern; dossiers et documents' originally entitled 'La politique de la sante au XVIIIe siecle'. It was also published in Michel Foucault's 'Dits et ecrits' (vol. II, text no. 168, Gallimard, Paris 1994, 2001).
During the age of enlightenment it seemed in many respects necessary to keep the population healthy. This meant to focus on the public health service in the sparsely populated countryside. Here, the medical market was divided into two spheres: the academical doctors mainly settling in towns far from the peasantry and also in social differences to them, whereas other healers, surgeries, midwives and...
The author begins with the vivid discussion between German physicians after the death of Holy Roman Emperor Leopold II and analyses both patients' experiences and the character of medical practices at the end of the 18th century. At that time sick or/and ill people could choose from the vast arsenal of services offered by doctors, healers, surgeons etc. The access to a particular category of 'specialists'...
Using as a basis for the study the manuscripts of the Societe royale de medicine dealing with diseases of craftsmen in the 18th century, it is interesting to pick out in the language of both the doctors and the work inspectors of the time the ambiguous articulations which establish a link between the needs for order in the city, for efficient work and for an enlightened humanism. The style of speech,...
Polish education system that covers teaching History does not provide efficient training for young people' living in informational society and knowledge-based economics of the 21st century. Skills important for further education and many modern occupations are weak points of many Polish graduates. Teaching History in a way adequate to present needs (that is, establishing necessary skills and competencies)...
(Polish title: Polski Fiat jako 'miejsce pamieci'. Rola i obraz marki w kulturze polskiej drugiej polowy XX wieku. Refleksje wokol koncepcji). The article discusses a meaning and a place of 'Polish Fiat' 126p (maly Fiat, maluch) in Poles' collective memory in the context of 'places of memory' (lieux de mémoire), a concept coined in French historiography. 'Places of memory' are symbols that function...
The article is a continuation of author's research on a history of St. Vincent of Paul's missionaries from the Polish territory in the 17th to 19th centuries. There are presented schools established by missionaries in the region of Kraslav, Lyskow and Illukszta. Author analyses lists of pupils in every school, as well as the manuals used by them for learning languages (i.e. Polish, Latin, German)...
(Polish title: Region historyczny w historiografii, dydaktyce historii i edukacji szkolnej. Przeglad stanowisk i propozycji delimitacji). The first discussions on the deginition of a historical region date back to the beginning of the interwar period. It was when the regional movement and the scientific circles noticed the need to additionally specify the basic category, so far used for regional research...
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