Productions of particular plays by Gombrowicz are considered in detail. Information about theatrical interpretations of 'Princess Yvonne' are given by:-M. Zolkos describing the ways Yvonne and Albertynka were portrayed in the productions directed by Halina Mikolajska (Princess Yvonne, 1957), Kazimierz Dejmek (Operetta, 1975), Anna Augustynowicz (Princess Yvonne, 1991, 1996), Grzegorz Jarzyna (Princess Yvonne, 1997), and Jerzy Grzegorzewski (Operetta, 2000). She concludes that the latest productions show the decomposition of traditional understanding of the body as being natural in opposition to the artificiality of costume; -M. Napiontkowa describing the world premiere directed by Halina Mikolajska in 1957; -M. Pavlovski who interprets the production directed by Vladimir Cvetanovski in Skopje in 1984; -M. Kusztelska describing the production directed by Beaunesne at Theatre National de la Colline in Paris in 1998; -E. Bulhak who recalls the Princess Yvonne that she directed at the Turkish National Theatre in Ankara in 1989 and the Turkish actor Tamer Levent, interviewed by Nese Yuce, who talks about the same production; -T. Sekiguchi discussing the production of Princess Yvonne directed by Jan Peszek at X Theatre in Tokyo in 1997. Introducing the considerations devoted to 'The Marriage', M. Kuras recounts the complicated history of Gombrowicz's attempts to publish and popularise his play. Then D. Pietrek describes the first German production of The Marriage, staged at Schiller-Theater in Western Berlin in 1968; -K. Zaleski reminisces about The Marriage he staged with a group of acting students in the gym of the State Academy of Theatre (PWST) in Warsaw in 1974; -M. Kusztelska describes the production of Marriage (Manage instead of Le Manage) directed by Daniel Martin at Theatre National de la Colline in Paris in 1998; -D. Kuznicka describes and analyses two versions of The Marriage directed by Grzegorzewski: in 1976 at the Polski Theatre in Wroclaw, and at the Narodowy Theatre in 1998. The reports devoted to Operetta begin with J. Jarzebski's essay titled Eroticism and Politics. The author analyses Operetta as a piece on sexual politics where costume signifies power and domination of the older men whereas nudity represents youth, nature, and anarchy. Then, K. Wilewska describes Italian productions of Operetta, starting with the world premiere of the play in 1969 at Teatro Stabile dell'Aquila; -E. Kalemba-Kasprzak and Dobrochna Ratajczakowa document the first Polish production of Operetta, staged by two student theatres: Nurt, and PARADOKS-BIS, in 1972 in Poznan; -A.Koecher-Hensel describes and analyses the famous Operetta directed by K. Dejmek in 1975 at the Nowy Theatre in Lodz and, finally, J. Majcherek examines the Operetta directed by M. Prus at the Dramatyczny Theatre in Warsaw in 1980.