The aim of the article is to present research on the problem of bigorexia - a kind of body dysmorphic disorder that involves a disturbance in body image similar to anorexia. It is typified by an obsession with one's physical appearance, muscle size and body building. The article names the criteria of that disorder, as presented by its pioneer - Dr. Harrison Pope, currently Professor of Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School. These criteria provided the basis for the first stage of the research conducted using questionnaire technique among male members of six Zielona Góra fitness clubs. The second stage involved individual conversations with seven men that fulfilled at least four of the mentioned criteria. The interviews were aimed at discovering the reasons for the need to increase muscle mass. These researches made it possible to conclude that the inability to accept one's body applies also to men. Being unable to satisfy requirements set for the body is one of the main causes of bigorexia.