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IMPLEMENTATION OF COMMUNITY COHESION POLICY IN ITALY AND ITS ROLE IN ELIMINATION OF REGIONAL DISPARITIES (Realizacja Wspolnotowej Polityki Spojnosci we Wloszech i Jej Znaczenie w Wyrownywaniu Dysproporcji Regionalnych)
The objective of this paper is to present the contribution of Community regional policy funds to achieving socio-economic cohesion of Italian regions eligible under Objective 1, as well as to discuss future development barriers and opportunities of these regions. The paper also provides a description of Italy's adjustment to the Community policy, the funds exploited by cohesive regions during the 2000-2006 programming period and their efficiency in the elimination of regional disparities.
VERSITA Central European Science Publishers, Warsaw;, in cooperation with journal's owner - University of Lódz,
VERSITA Central European Science Publishers, Warsaw;, in cooperation with journal's owner - University of Lódz,