<bold>The aim of the study</bold> was an assessment of the early stage of felon - non exceeded 72 hours from the first symptoms - with 99mTc-MPD (metylendiphosphonien marked by Technetium) in relation to patient physical investigation and radiological hand investigation.
<bold>Material and methods.</bold> 72 patients with the one finger felon were classified to the research. All patients were on the base of clinical investigations classified to the surgical intervention. Then they were divided on to two groups: one (A) where decision about final treatment method was based on 99mTc-MPD result. In the group X-ray was made also. The B group where the recognition verifying investigation was hand X-ray picture.
<bold>Results.</bold> of investigations. In the A group on the basis of 99mTc-MPD to the surgical incision only 11 from 30 patients (36%) were classified. A pathological content was affirmed in 26% (at 8 patients). However in group B on the basis of X-ray examination only 5 patients (11%) from 42 were classify to surgical finger incision. Furthermore pathological content was affirmed in 14 patients (33%) after incision.
<bold>Conclusion.</bold> In the early stage of finger felon the 99mTc-MPD investigation could be useful for verifying treatment method only.