The patients’ discomfort during CT colonography determines which method is used and its frequency of use. The discomfort is largely associated with the colon’s insufflation with gas. A system for an automatic room-air insufflation has been developed that ensures a continuous and steady air insufflation and an increase in colonic pressure and enables a relatively fast decompression. This system provides constant pressure monitoring and can alert the operator, if necessary. The degree of discomfort was evaluated for 36 patients, who were subjected to manual and automated air insufflation. The degree of the colonic distension achieved by the two methods was compared. The data analysis showed a significantly lower level of discomfort in patients with automated air insufflation. The degree of colonic distension was evaluated by comparing the diameters of similar segments of the colon, as well as by the subjective opinion of the operator. The distension with automated air insufflation was higher than that with manual air insufflation. In some cases there was a significant difference (P<0,05). In conclusion, the results show that the automatic insufflation of air at room temperature can be used to optimize CT colonography.