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Main conclusionThe extremophyteEutrema salsugineum(Yukon ecotype) has adapted to an environment low in available phosphate through metabolic and root-associated traits that enables it to efficiently retrieve, use, and recycle phosphorus. Abstract Efficient phosphate (Pi) use by plants would increase crop productivity under Pi-limiting conditions and reduce our reliance on Pi applied as fertilizer...
Eutrema salsugineum, a halophytic relative of Arabidopsis thaliana, was subjected to varying phosphate (Pi) treatments. Arabidopsis seedlings grown on 0.05 mm Pi displayed shortened primary roots, higher lateral root density and reduced shoot biomass allocation relative to those on 0.5 mm Pi, whereas Eutrema seedlings showed no difference in lateral root density and shoot biomass allocation. While...
Papaya (Carica papaya) seeds were extracted in an aqueous buffer or in organic solvents, fractionated by chromatography on silica and aliquots tested for anthelmintic activity by viability assays using Caenorhabditis elegans. For all preparations and fractions tested, anthelmintic activity and benzyl isothiocyanate content correlated positively. Aqueous extracts prepared from heat-treated seeds had...
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