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The glycan shield on the human immunodeficiency virus 1 (HIV-1) envelope (Env) glycoprotein has drawn attention as a target for HIV-1 vaccine design given that an increasing number of potent and broadly neutralizing antibodies (bNAbs) recognize epitopes entirely or partially comprised of high mannose type N-linked glycans. In an attempt to generate immunogens that target the glycan shield of HIV-1,...
Recent studies implicate hyperglycemia as a cause of vascular complications in diabetes. Our study confirmed that high concentration of glucose (30mM) induces apoptosis in cultures of human umbilical vein endothelial cells. After 5 days of culture TUNEL positive cells in high concentration of glucose were nearly 63% higher when compared to normal concentration of glucose (5mM). Transfection of pcDNA3-rat...
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