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Neoseiulus californicus (McGregor) is a relatively effective phytoseiid predator against spider mites reported from the Americas (North and South), Africa, the Mediterranean basin, and Japan. This study was a collaborative effort to identify and mass-rear a strain of N. californicus that is more efficacious under arid conditions than the standard commercial strain from California (USA)....
Desalination alters a basic premise of water geography – fresh water flows from the sea inward, rather than the other way around. But, is this observation important? To address this question it is necessary to identify the potential ramifications of the changes in the water geography brought about by desalination. Israel is used as a basis for identifying these ramifications as it has recently embarked...
Plastic carrier bags have been drawing the attention of the public and politicians. Different policy measures to reduce the environmental burden of these bags have been implemented and more are planned. The research analyzed the actual environmental aspects of consumption and use of plastic carrier bags and assessed the effectiveness of the proposed regulation in Israel. Since plastic bags are provided...
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