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The aim of this study was to determine floristic diversity, the chemical composition, nature value and energy value of selected sedge communities in view of habitat conditions in the Noteć valley. This study was based on a total of 46 relevés prepared according to Braun-Blanquet. The identified communities were represented by common plant associations, both natural or semi-natural. They comprised...
Studies aiming at the evaluation of nature and fodder value of grass-sedge communities were conducted in the years 2009-2013 in the Natura 2000 area in the Noteć Leniwa and Bystra valley on meadows with varied moisture and trophic conditions. They showed that a significant effect on the formation of grass communities, their richness and floristic diversity, as well as nature and agricultural value...
Research on the formation of floristic diversity of Eleocharitetum palustris Šennikov 1919 association according to habitat conditions was conducted in the years 2009-2013 in the Noteć valley, between Czarnków - Nowe Dwory - Lubcz Wielki. On the basis of floristic data collected in this area, syntaxons were differentiated, research on floristic variability was conducted and Shannon-Wiener’s diversity...
Studies on the association Potentillo-Festucetum arundinaceae (R. Tx. 1933) North. 1940 were conducted in the years 2011-2013 at the Bukówka river and the Molita and Czarna canals in the Czarnków-Trzcianka county in the Wielkopolskie province. Based on the floristic analyses of 23 relevés prepared according to Braun-Blanquet the sward of this association a total of 31 species from 14 botanical families...
Phytosociological and habitat studies of rush communities were conducted in the Noteć Bystra and Noteć Leniwa river valley in the years 2010–2014. These communities are of varied nature value and form valuable ecosystems of high landscape value. Their development, floristic diversity, nature and agricultural value are connected primarily with their moisture content, resulting from the habitat mosaic...
Basic studies were conducted in the Notec Bystra valley at the Biała - Radolin - Radolinek section, in the vegetation season in 2012, and supplementary studies, mainly site studies, were conducted in 2014. In terms of the administrative division this area is located in the northern part of the Wielkopolskie province in the Czarnków-Trzcianka county. Analyses were carried out on seventeen phytocenoses...
The paper contains a geobotanical characteristics of grassland habitats where ecological management is conducted. It covers the assessment of floral diversity and a detailed description and interpretation of soil conditions. The research was conducted in the vegetation season of 2014 in an individual farm in Srednica (wielkopolskie Voivodeship, czarnkowskotrzcianecki district). In the research area...
Poultry dung may hardly be applied in fertilization of crops unless priobiotics are used and in many cases it may not be used as fertilizer, since it causes the socalled physiological drought. The use of adequate amounts of probiotics, i.e. the socalled live microorganisms, has an advantageous effect on fertilization properties of poultry dung. Application of poultry dung in combination with probiotics...
The study area covered communities of inundated meadows mainly from the class Phargmitetea, from the Magnocaricion and Phragmition alliances, located in the Noteć Bystra valley. Plant associations were evaluated in terms of their floristic diversity, Ellenberg’s phytoindication indexes: moisture content (F), soil nitrogen content (N), soil reaction (R), as well as yielding and fodder value. The calculated...
Mid-forest meadows have a high natural value, due to preserving unique meadow and ecotone biotopes, similar to the natural state. Due to their dissimilarity, they also had a considerable effect on the functioning of forest ecosystems they border. The aim of the study conducted in 2006-2010 in the Bukówka river valley was to assess the natural values of mid-forest meadows with the Oświt method [2000]...
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