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The paper presents assessment of the value of selected beech and fir stands by the classic method and using the value tariff in two ways. The aim of the work was to verify the suitability of the local tariff method based on the SILP forest database for the valuation of timber resources in forests. The measurements were carried out in the Beskidy Mountains (southern Poland). The reference sales value...
This paper presents the method worked out to assess the value of growing stock in an exemplary forest district basing on the stand−level data available from the forest inventory databases. The method was designed for European beech and silver fir growing in the Polish part of the Carpathian Mountains. Sample data includes 28 stands, where quality classes of wood were assessed for 18,000 trees altogether...
According to the current forest management manual, deadwood volume should be evaluated on 10% of sampling plots, located in different species−age layers, which are used for determining stand volume in a given forest unit. Sampling plot size differs depending on tree stand age and ranges from 0.005 to 0.05 ha. The results are reported for the entire forest district and by forest site type. The objective...
Statistical representative method of inventory based on stratified sampling is used for elaborate forest management plans in Poland. Strata are created according to the dominant tree species and age of stands. First stratum include stands with age from 21 to 30 years and the interval in the next strata is 10 years. Sample plot size depends on stand age and varies from 0.005 to 0.05 ha. According to...
The purpose of the stratification is to group stands basing on the homogeneity of the measured feature. During periodic forest inventory in Poland, strata are created on the basis of age and the main species in stand within the boundary of forest district. In this work an improvement of distinguishing the strata during the forest inventory is presented. Three variants are considered: (1) distinguishing...
The paper assesses the performance of the risk models of the wind damage to the mountain forest stands located in the Tatra National Park (southern Poland). The models assume that the forest susceptibility to the damage from the wind depends on the characteristics of stands, their location and frequency of the occurrence of damage in the past. According to the methodology we built 5 variants of models,...
Managed forests, which account for the vast majority of woodland areas in Poland, play a major role in preserving biodiversity. The objective of this work was to determine the diversity of woody microsites in a managed forest covering 27 ha of land in Polanów Forest District (north−western Poland). The study was conducted in 2014 on 20 sampling plots with an area of 0.04 ha each. An inventory of deadwood...
The work studied the effects of site conditions on the amount of deadwood (DW) in managed forests in south−western Poland. Measurements included standing dead trees, snags with a diameter at breast height of at least 7 cm, and lying deadwood (logs, branches, uprooted trees, etc.) with a diameter at the thicker end of at least 10 cm. The study excluded snags and deadwood pieces with a diameter of less...
The paper analyzes two methods of deadwood (DW) measurements on circular sampling plots. In the first method, the volume of DW is measured within the circumference of the sampling plot irrespective of the fact whether the live tree was located inside or outside the plot. The other method requires the measurement of only that DW, which can be attributed to trees that originally grew within the sampling...
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