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Random walker image registration has recently been extended in [1] to enforce inverse consistency in the solution by registering the input images towards a common space that resides midway between the two images. In this paper, we propose a novel extension to [1] to further improve its accuracy. We do so by proposing a voxel selection criterion that examines consistency of the data-likelihood estimates...
We propose a novel segmentation approach based on deep 3D convolutional encoder networks with shortcut connections and apply it to the segmentation of multiple sclerosis (MS) lesions in magnetic resonance images. Our model is a neural network that consists of two interconnected pathways, a convolutional pathway, which learns increasingly more abstract and higher-level image features, and a deconvolutional...
One important property of a registration solution is inverse consistency. While often overlooked, this property is critical in many medical applications, including radiation-therapy treatment planning and unbiased atlas-construction. In this paper, we propose a novel extension to the graph-based random walker image registration (RWIR) algorithm to ensure its inverse consistency. In contrast to many...
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