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Glucose concentration in blood, better known as glycemia, is a very underestimated physiological parameter in neonatal intensive care units. Its value is currently monitored by performing few measurements per day, acquired through heel pricks or arterial samplings. Unfortunately, the frequency of those samplings is quite low in preterm newborns, who are very low birth weight infants, due to their...
Improvements in health care are extending the life expectancy of cancer patients, up to the point that cancer survivors are sometimes considered as chronic patients. Mobile devices may support outpatients in managing chronic diseases, improving their quality of life and reducing health-care costs. This paper illustrates the design and implementation of a pair of mobile apps supporting patients and...
Checklists have been recently introduced in the medical practice playing the role of summarized guidelines, streamlined for rapid consultations. However, there are still some barriers preventing their widespread diffusion. Those concern the representation, dissemination and update of their underlying knowledge, as well as the means currently adopted for their actual use, that is still mostly paper-based...
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