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The problem of Slovaks living abroad gained actuality after 1918, when the Czechoslovak Republic was founded. Subject of research became the migrants to the USA, Canada, in particular living traditions of the Slovaks in Hungary, in the former Yugoslavia, in Rumania, Bulgaria, Poland, and also those living in Austria, France, Belgium, Argentina, Australia and last but not least after 1993 the Slovaks...
The achievements of the Slovak ethnochoreology were discussed several times after it was settled in Slovakia, as an independent field of knowledge, at the beginnings of the 50ties. It was evaluated on the 1st Ethnomusicological seminar of the Institute of Musicology of the Slovak Academy of Sciences in 1970 by Kl. Ondrejka and later on, after the so called velvet revolution, by St. Duzek (1993 and...
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