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The well-characterized virulence factors of Yersinia pestis the causative agent of plague are those encoded by the virulence plasmids. Previously we have isolated an attenuated Y. pestis transposon insertion mutant in which the chromosomal pcm gene was disrupted. The pcm gene is located within a putative stress response locus that includes the surE, nlpD, and rpoS genes. In this study, we investigated...
Plague, initiated by Yersinia pestis infection, is a fatal disease that progresses rapidly and leads to high mortality rates if not treated within a short period of time after onset of symptoms. Antibiotics are effectively used for plague therapy yet antibiotic resistance Y. pestis strains have been reported and therefore alternative therapies are needed. In this study we demonstrate the ability of...
Modulation of host cell death during infection is a prevalent virulence strategy developed by many bacterial pathogens. Yersinia pestis, the causative agent of the fatal plague disease was found to exert limited cytotoxicity towards target immune cells, mediated by type III secretion system effector YopJ. In contrast, the highly cytotoxic closely related Y. enterocolitica O:8 causes a self limited...
A bioinformaticbioinformatic screen of Yersinia pestis genome identified 11 TPS components, carrying the POlypeptide TRansport-Associated (POTRAPOTRA ) domain, found in other pathogens to be involved in immunogenicity immunogen immunogenicity and pathogenicity. All rTpsBs (transporterstransporters ) cloned and expressed in Escherichia coli induced a humoral responses in immunized mice. Mice surviving...
Plague, which is initiated by Yersinia pestis infection, is a fatal disease that progresses rapidly and leads to high mortality rates if not treated. Antibiotics are an effective plague therapy, but antibiotic-resistant Y. pestis strains have been reported and therefore alternative countermeasures are needed. In the present study, we assessed the potential of an F1 plus LcrV-based vaccine to provide...
Plague is a life-threatening disease caused by Yersinia pestis, for which effective-licensed vaccines and reliable predictors of in vivo immunity are lacking. V antigen (LcrV) is a major Y. pestis virulence factor that mediates translocation of the cytotoxic Yersinia protein effectors (Yops). It is a well-established protective antigen and a part of currently tested plague subunit vaccines. We have...
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